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How to calculate Cambridge KET test scores

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Cambridge English Scale is an English proficiency scale used by Cambridge Assessment English to show results for certificates and exams organized by the Council. In particular, the score shows the candidate’s proficiency in using the English language at levels from Beginner (pre-A1) to Proficiency (C2). The Cambridge English Scale is built consistently with other language proficiency tests to help candidates easily compare results and understand progress from one level to the next. The next level.

In particular, the KET test (Key English Test) is classified as level A2 on the reference frame. In the KET test, candidates will receive 4 separate scores for each skill (Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking) and the overall test result (Overall Score) is the average score of the 4 skills and will be calculated. converted to the corresponding level on the Cambridge English Scale. So how will the scores in the KET test be calculated?

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Reading skills

The Reading skills test at the KET level consists of 5 parts, with 30 multiple-choice and fill-in questions and will be converted to a maximum of 150 points on the Cambridge English Scale.


– Candidates who achieve a score of 140-150 will achieve level B1 for Reading skill.

– Candidates who achieve a score of 120-139 will achieve level A2 for Reading skill.

– Candidates achieving scores from 100-119 will achieve level A1 for Reading skill.

Writing skills

The Writing skills test consists of 2 parts. Each exam will be graded with three criteria including:

* Content

* Layout (Organization)

* Language)

Each criterion will be graded from 0 to 5 points, corresponding to each section being 15 points and the total score of the entire Writing test is 30 and will be converted to a maximum of 150 points on the Cambridge English Scale .

Note : The test score is an even round number of 8; 9; ten,…



– Candidates who achieve a score of 140-150 will achieve level B1 for Writing skills.

– Candidates achieving scores from 120-139 will achieve level A2 for Writing skills.

– Candidates achieving scores from 100-119 will achieve level A1 for Writing skills.

Cambridge KET Listening Skills

The Cambridge KET Listening test includes 25 multiple-choice and fill-in questions, with each correct answer the candidate gets 1 point. The maximum score of the Listening test is 25 points and will be converted to a maximum of 150 points on the Cambridge English Scale.


– Candidates who achieve a score of 140-150 will achieve level B1 for Listening skills.

– Candidates achieving scores from 120-139 will achieve level A2 for Listening skills.

– Candidates achieving scores from 100-119 will achieve level A1 for Listening skills.

Speaking skills

In the Speaking test, candidates participate in the test in pairs but will be evaluated separately for each person. Candidates will receive a score of 0-5 based on the following criteria:

* Grammar and Vocabulary : the ability to use grammatical structures and vocabulary.

* Pronunciation : the ability to pronounce accurately and present fluently.

* Interactive Communication : the ability to interact and discuss with fellow examinees when giving opinions, questions and answers, adding detailed content to opinions.
* General assessment (Global Achievement): general assessment of the candidate’s ability to use English in Speaking skills.

Note: Three criteria ( Grammar and vocabulary; Pronunciation; Interactive communication ) will be multiplied by 2 points (maximum 30 points). Meanwhile, the General Evaluation criteria will be multiplied by 3 (maximum of 15). The final score of the Speaking test is the total score of the criteria multiplied (maximum 45 points) and will be converted to a maximum of 150 points on the Cambridge English Scale .


– Candidates who achieve a score of 140-150 will achieve level B1 for Speaking skills.

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– Candidates achieving scores from 120-139 will achieve level A2 for Speaking skills.

– Candidates achieving scores from 100-119 will achieve level A1 for Speaking skills.

Is the Cambridge KET test pass/fail?

The score for each skill (Reading) will be converted to the Cambridge English Scale with a maximum score of 150 points for each skill test.

The final result of the test (Overall Score) is the average score of the skills. All exams with 100-150 points are awarded a certificate.

* Test results of 140 – 150 points: Grade A, certified level B1 .

* Test results of 133 – 139 points: Grade B, certified level A2.

* Test results of 120 – 132 points: Grade C, certified level A2 .

* Test results of 100 – 119 points: Candidates who do not achieve A2, only receive A1 competency recognition results.

Accordingly, candidates who achieve a score of 140-150 (corresponding to Grade A) will receive a Key English Test certificate recognizing their B1 level.

Candidates who achieve scores from 120-139 (Grade B and Grade C respectively) will receive a Key English Test certificate recognizing their A2 level.

Candidates who achieve a score of 100-120 will receive a Key English Test certificate recognizing their A2 level.

*KET score conversion table

 + Reading skills

Reading test scorePoint ladderCambridge English ScaleLevel
782 (minimum test score for KET test) 

+ Writing skills

Writing test scorePoint ladderCambridge English ScaleLevel
882 (minimum test score for KET test) 

+ Listening skills

Listening test scorePoint ladderCambridge English ScaleLevel
682 (minimum test score for KET test) 

+ Speaking skills

Speaking test scorePoint ladderCambridge English ScaleLevel
ten82 (minimum test score for KET test) 

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